Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No Heaven

I like to believe
There’s no hell to reprieve
No, there’s no heaven with the chosen
No string of lives woven

Please tell me they lie
So many stories, none I buy
Please tell me this was just one life
Not a chain with a link to my knife

I don’t fear the punishment
Of lifeless life imprisonment
But if heaven has you ordain -
I shall never see you again

I wish I could change the belief
Of the maker of a world of grief
And though I have given up the game
If hell exists, it has printed my name

So let me live my life with you here
In these few moments of eternity pure
I see now the smiling guardians of hell
So please let me in, in the heaven of your arms till knell


Unknown said...

Heaven and hell are both right here on earth.

Glooooomy! :P

YashoDesh said...


Jaydeep Sambhaji Pathare said...


मच्छा said...

Good one Ashay!

One question though,
"No string of lives woven"
did u mean: No strings of life woven ?

BTW, m Abhi's classmate from APS days.

Ashay Tamhane said...

Hey Vishal ! I remember you dude.. thanks for reading so carefully..actually here "string of lives" refers to the belief of re-incarnation where several lives are woven to form the eternal soul.